Welcome to the project
Find here all the explanations to get your project off to a good start !
Find the installation instructions below
of your Thrive Custom Theme:
1 - Prerequisites
- Clone the GitLab project to your working directory.
- git clone https://gitlab.com/AgenceThrive/project-name/.git
2 - Configure Prepros
- Open the project in Prepros and configure the following settings:
- Right click on “Readme.md” and uncheck “Include file while uploading”
- In the "styles" folder, select "main.scss" and check the boxes:
- "Process automatically"
- "Auto-prefix"
- "Minify"
- "Source map"
- In the project settings, configure the upload:
- Host: Shared server
- User: FTP identifier
- vPassword: FTP password
- Port: 22
- Don't forget :wink:: - Remote path: /var/www/vhosts/read-me/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/thrive-custom-theme - Check the “Upload automatically” box
3 - Construction
- Before starting construction of the site, you should ask yourself the right questions about the information and its type of attribution:
- Any type of information that must be used to GROUP (job / sector / city etc.): should be considered a TAXONOMY. A taxonomy is SHARED information.
- Any type of information which is intended to be PUBLISHED on the site (article / announcement / training etc.): must be considered a PUBLICATION (CPT), which can receive personalized fields (ACF).
4 - Development
- All the style of the project is in the "styles" folder.
- The style.css file is a necessary file for WordPress, it should not be modified.
5 - Structure of the "styles
- "main.scss": Main file that imports all other files
- "main.css": File generated by Prepros, minified and autoprefixed --> this is the one that is uploaded and used by the site
- "main.css.map": File generated by Prepros, allowing source files to be found in the browser
- _0_ressources : Copy all external scss libraries needed (swiper.scss, nice-select.scss, etc...)
- _1_parameters" : Defines Theme global parameters (fonts, colors, breakpoints, section's layouts, other variables...)
- _2_components : Defines Theme components (breadcrumb, buttons, menus...)
- _3_cards : Defines Theme cards
- _4_blocks : Defines Theme header & footer, variations of section layouts, asides
- _5_templates : Defines styles specific to certain mutualized templates
- _5_pages : Defines styles specific to certain unique pages
6 - Structure of Javascript scripts in the "scripts" folder
- "main-script.js": Main file that will import all other files when the page is loaded.
- "managers": Contains the project managers, in the form of JS classes
7 - Structure of PHP files
- "functions.php" : Main file that imports all other config files present in the "config" folder
- "index.php" : File required by default for Wordpress
- "header.php" : File containing the site header
- "footer.php" : File containing the footer of the site
- "front-page.php" : File containing the home page of the site
- "page.php" : File containing the basic page
- "single.php" : File containing the base article
8 - Structure of the "config" folder
- "config.php": Main file that configures Wordpress features
- "custom-post-types.php": File containing the project's custom post types
- "shortcode-manager.php": File that imports all the project's shortcodes